Our children are completely different humans to us.
Stepping into a teenage hood is one of the biggest transformational times of our human life.
It is that magical transition of becoming an adult, yet there is a part of you who is still a child.
This sudden urge to step into their identity can be such a confusing and rigid time.
As well as this new overriding feeling of wanting to “fit in”.
To be liked.
To be accepted.
To be loved.
It can start the process of ignoring, hiding and pushing down who we truly are away and all that we contain because we think we have to do it in order to be accepted into school, friendship groups and this mainstream world.
And for so many humans this exact process is something that can stay with us our entire lives.
Never really stepping into who we truly or what it is we are wholeheartedly here to do.
But imagine if you had someone in your life who truly saw you for all that you are.
Someone who showed you that you what you see, what you feel and what you know is not only brilliant and unique but exactly who you are meant to be.
And by doing so it will bring so much more joy, happiness, success, opportunities and fulfilment to their entire life by leaning into who they are and all that they contain instead of being someone they are not.
Just imagine.
Just imagine if that is what had happened to you.
Well….welcome to Your Unique Design.
And one of the greatest gifts you can give not only yourself but also your kid…as you both go through this journey of teenage hood and life.
Once I receive the details of the person having the session (their birth date, time and place), I will go behind the scenes to dive deep into their Design and gather up all the beautiful details about them.
Several separate videos will then be created, recorded and edited of their Design which will then be sent to you via email and delivered right into your inbox.
Following the delivery of the videos (and when you are ready) there will also be an opportunity to have a “follow-up contact” with me via email with any questions you have about the videos and/or about the Design.
This is also just the start – session one.
So if you feel like you would like to deep after this session or later down the track, there is also lots of opportunity to do that also.
An explanation of what Human Design is, where it came from and how your session is going to roll.
Energy Type
We all operate physically, mentally and energetically differently throughout all areas of our days and lives. At home, in relationships, how we learn, schoolwork etc.
So really knowing how you operate and take in the world around you on a daily basis can make such a huge impact in approach your life. Knowing this really is a game changer.
We all have our own unique inner guidance system (“authority”) which tells us what we should do, what we shouldn’t do, what is right and what is wrong for us . However, one of the biggest misconceptions in the self-development world is that our authorities are the same.
So here we talk about what “your” authority is?
How to use it at its optimal level?
And what things to be aware of that might send you off track when making decisions.
We all have these that feel so good within us. These ways of doing things throughout our life that if we just leaned into them more and embraced them through our day to day lives, it would help us move into things that are aligned for us with so much more ease and grace.
These are things we already know about ourselves but just don’t realise is unique to us.
This is where we dive into “your” own profile.
Definition/Undefined Chart
Your Chart is where we can physically see all the glorious intricate detailed parts from a Human Design perspective and in this section we will do just that.
Here we will look at where you “defined” (things that are in you that you know you can consistently rely upon no matter what life throws at you) and areas that are “undefined” (things that are inconsistent but you are here to experience, love and learn so much more about).
As well as many many other things.
Individual Channels
Channels are some of the many big gifts that we feel deep down in us however what we don’t realise that they are unique to us.
This is where we dive deep into your Channels and draw out what they are.
Plus so much more (and I am not just saying that)
Remember Your Unique Design is not about telling you who you are because nobody on this planet should ever do that.
This is about pulling out all the things that you know are there but just don’t realise are big things and unique to you.
So….are you ready to dive into your teenager’s Design?
There is also an option for a BONUS VIDEO to be sent to the parent separately which explains how you can help your child lean into who they more from a parent perspective.
Which can be added at the checkout section.
And also…what about your and your Design? There is nothing I love more than showing woman…how amazing they are.
Lets begin.